‘Qatar Road Safety Monitor’ – Unique Perception Study of Qatar’s Motorists

- QIC Insured creates a unique perception study of the motorists in Qatar
- Qatar’s motorists have the most positive perception among regional peer countries
- The absolute levels of misbehavior leave room for further improvements
Qatar’s motorists have the most positive road safety perception among regional peer countries, especially in comparing perceptions linked to overall dangerous driving, commute times and infrastructure improvement.
The study commissioned by QIC Insured and conducted by global market research company YouGov is the first long running study commissioned to quantify perceptions of road safety and the dimensions of reckless driving in Qatar. The ‘Qatar Road Safety Monitor’ is based on the views of a representative sample of Qatar’s population. The study aims to understand trends with regards to the biggest causes of accidents, in comparison with the situation 6 months ago.
Commenting on the results Ahmed Al Jarboey Senior Claims Manager at QIC Insured states, “There are plentiful opinions about various driving experiences in Qatar but very few hard facts that provide insight into safe driving. Aiming to bridge this gap, we commissioned this ongoing study twice yearly to generate data and raise awareness for encouraging safe and responsible motoring in support of the goals set out by the Government of Qatar to increase road safety in the country.”
A relatively small portion of participants 22% of motorists from Qatar state that traffic has become more dangerous in comparison to the last six months – the highest peer country scores 53% in this category! Similarly, positive trends exist with regards to commute times, whereby only 38% stated longer commute times versus 6 months ago, and a whopping 81% approve of improved road infrastructure. 57% of Qatar’s motorists claim higher driving enjoyment than 6 months ago, which is the highest value among the peer countries too.
Although the comparison with the peer countries in the field of reckless driving is mainly positive for Qatar, the absolute levels of perceived misbehavior demand more efforts of the involved stakeholders. This holds true for tailgating (60%), distracted drivers (60%), speeding (46%) and abrupt lane changing (43%). 13% of Qatar’s motorists have been involved in accidents within the last 6 months, which is the 2nd lowest value among the peer countries.
Mr. Jarboey continues, “This unique perception study provides valuable feedback about the impact of the involved stakeholders’ efforts aimed at increasing road safety, namely governmental entities, the media universe and road safety minded organisations like QIC Insured. We take pride in being at the forefront of such distinct initiatives as it endorses our efforts towards ensuring safety of all road users and active support for the creation of safer roads in Qatar.”
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